Monday, November 16, 2009


On the way to work/daycare, Judah and I often discuss important matters. Usually, he picks the subject. Ok, he always picks the subject.

Today's subject: All the People Judah Loves.

J: "I love papa"
Me: "Yes, you love papa"
J: "and grandma toooo"
Me: "yes"
J: "I love dada"
Me: "Yes, you love dada"
J: "I love Georja, Steve, Danica, Trent, Dylan, Kiki, Cody"
Me: "Yes, you love them"
J: "I love Saoirse"
Me: "Yes you love them"
J: "Auntie Cole, Nana"
Me: "Oh Judah, you are so good at loving people"
J: "...and pizza" (with a serious look).
I laugh, which cues him to tell me a very funny, original joke (cause I'm already obviously in a laughing mood).
J: "banana pizza." Then laughs a great belly laugh for about 2 minutes straight.
Me: "banana on PIZZA?"
J: "YES! GOOD IDEA!" Still laughing.
J: "I love papa pizza" while laughing so hard he's turning red.
Me: "papa on a pizza?"
J: "Yes! Good idea! and dada pizza! Grandma pizza!..." He spends the rest of the ride cracking himself up. Seriously. Cracking. Himself. Up.

I love how hard my Judah laughs.
I love how often he laughs.
I love his fabulous jokes.
I'm so lucky.


Jillienne said...

Such a sweetheart. And really funny too!!!!

Jillienne said...

Such a sweetheart. And really funny too!!!!

Amy B. said...

Just reading that I could hear Judah's laugh. He has the best laugh and I'm sure he can tell some fantastic jokes :)