Monday, August 3, 2009


Tommy and I love Mammoth during the summer. We have gone every summer for the last 10 years. It's magic. Regardless of how excited we are to go, the beauty and experience always surpasses our expectations. Part of the goodness is how little we do when we are up there. We can EASILY walk (too short to describe as a hike) to a few gorgeous lakes. Judah loves to run on the shore and chase birds. We love watching him. We cook simple meals and sit on the deck soaking in the amazing view. That's it. Really. We nap when Judah naps. No Internet. No TV. Perfection.
I always think that Mammoth comes at the perfect time of year for us. That time when we NEED quality family time, to clear our heads, enjoy ourselves and just laugh. It's the time when we spend an hour discussing things like which characters on Gilligan's Island should have coupled up and why (we figured it ALL out, if you have any questions, please let me know). You know, the important stuff in life.
Despite our busy matchmaking schedule, we also have time to reflect and plan.
When we were driving home, I looked at Tommy and realized that I didn't have any questions left. It's the first time, in a very long time, I didn't. It's a good thing.


Eastiopians said...

Oh yeah, that feeling of not having any more questions. Of being content. What a peaceful and wonderful feeling. I hope it stays with you for a while so you can rest.


lindy young said...

You sound like you've been wrestling with a lot lately; I"m glad you had some downtime. And I am VERY glad that you're thinking about siblings, even if you're thinking you're not ready. (Our paperwork has now moved from the top of the washer-dryer to the desk!!) (But if I was possibly doubtful before, I am now very committed and getting very excited and almost impatient!)

I'm sure what they meant, at least a little bit, is that you two are so fabulously beautiful and naturally good-hearted, that those genes should be sprouting. But I don't know why some people have so many babies, either. Especially when they then need a suburban to cart them all around ... :)