Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Teacher

When I was little, my older sister and I played school. Yes, I got the coveted role as student. Well, to be honest, there were actually a lot of us students.
She would line us up (the stuffed animals and me) and we would sit VERY still and try to be well-behaved. We tried to be good students. We really did.

But, we couldn't do anything right.
We had never completed our imaginary homework from the night before.
We never answered the questions correctly (no matter how many times she explained the concept).
We were bad, bad students.

So, the stuffed animals and I would sit very still and hope not to be called on.
It was a strict program.

Last week, as Judah lined up his animals to read to them, I recalled what it felt like to be one of them, even though their teaching styles differ. Here's a peek at the reading program that Judah has started:

Here's a rough transcription:
"Night night! Question Mark. Question Mark. Here you go. Read a book. Read a book. Read a book. [Reads book] The End."


Amy B. said...

So cute. It sounds like he asked his animals if they, "Want a snack?" too. He is so stinkin' cute. I love Judah and his big personality! He is a great teacher.

susan said...

This is precious! He is a benevolent teacher as well as a ruler...

Heather said...

It's official... Mimi is in LOVE! This is so, so sweet. His enthusiasm is contagious! She kept asking for "more, more!"

Eastiopians said...

I understand Judah language..I did not need a translation. :) He is SO cute! My husband and I watched it twice. He said, "Is that the laughing Judah?" Yes! Sweet laughing Judah. :)

Jocelyn said...

Can I just say that I didn't think I could love him anymore then I already did...I was wrong!!! LOVE HIM!!!

msl said...

So, so sweet!!! What a doll Judah is!!

Rebecca said...

Love, love, love it!